Flatco’s balcony gardens’ mini encyclopedia for beginners

Tóth Zoltán
2020 March 17

You can create a wonderful oasis even from the dullest and most boring little balcony u2013 yes, you too, the person your friends wouldnu2019t even trust with a cactus. You just need a little planning and dedication; moreover, you will have the next couple weeks of home office to your advantage. Start creating your homemade jungle!

Nowadays almost all of the newly built apartments have a balcony of some size, so there is a high chance that you also own a couple square meters of outside space. If no, there is no reason to panic, since with the tips we mention in this article, you can make the best of your windowsill or the flower boxes that you can place in front of your windows inside your room. Luckily, Budapest is not in a shortage of flower delivery services, plant farms and garden shops, so the next thing you need to do is find your plant-source and you are good to go. But before you fill your virtual shopping cart, read through the plant-care essentials!

B, for Basics:

First of all, donu2019t panic, you will manage! You donu2019t have to write a dissertation on theoretical physics, you just have to keep a couple plants alive so that you can feel closer to nature even during the quarantine. Ask for some helpful info through your phone (from mom, grandma or your girlfriend) and choose tough durable plants. For example, the fuchsia is a beautiful but extremely low-maintenance plant, just like the angelu2019s trumpets or the fountain grass, and the coleus is virtually invincible.

B, for Balcony

Donu2019t think that the windowsill is the only place you can place a flower or two! The flower box that you can hang on the handrail of your balcony, the line of boxes you can hang on the wall, the whole surface of a dividing wall or even the exterior member of the air-conditioning are all great places you can decorate with flowers. Just pay attention not to damage anything!

T, for Tools:

You are going to need gardening gloves, a small shovel, a watering can, nutrient shots, a smaller package of universal plant soil, a small chair promoted to the rank of flower holder and a couple of hangers. For decoration, you can use the lights you bought for last Christmas but never put up and a couple fun looking flowerpots.

H, for Home:

Check around in your home, see what you already have for the project! It is time to finally grant mercy to the dying plant in the corner of your room and the pot plant you got for your name day that you havenu2019t looked at in weeks. Now that you have momentum because of your balcony plans (and you have more than enough time), replant the forgotten plants as well and place them next to the balcony door u2013 thus you will enhance the visual aspect of your home jungle, and you will appreciate that your plants will thank you for the care you gave them!

O, for Origo:

Before you get lost between the possibilities, start at the beginning! Think it through again, how many plants, how many pots do you want, where do you want to put them? Donu2019t jump headfirst into the shopping part until you havenu2019t completely figured out n your head how The Perfect Balcony will look like. One, where you can retreat peacefully when you are tired of the home office. You could draw your vision onto a paper or perhaps find a designing program on the internet.

S, for Style:

Create a true oasis for yourself, where you can take a deep breath and relax your mind and body, where you can forget all the anxiety and worries about the coronavirus. If you feel hippy vibes, make all your pots and flowers colorful, bring out your beanbag instead of a chair and your dream catcher. Or are you a fan of Scandinavian minimalism? Then you will love the simple wooden boxes with no paint, or the geometrical concrete flowerpots and the snow-white lampions from last yearu2019s party.

O, for Orienting:u00a0

Before choosing what plants you will get, figure out (you know, Flatco customer support is just a phone call away) how is your balcony oriented. If it is a Southern balcony, you could get anything from an oleander to a vervain, but if it is less sunny, hydrangeas and touch-me-nots will be your number one bet.

W, for Water:

Every plant needs water u2013 this probably isnu2019t news. Thoroughly read the description of all your plants and make a detailed watering calendar! You can choose from a million apps which will remind you which plant you should water on any given day for it to be the healthiest and prettiest it can be.

After these u201eallu201d you need is just some patience: donu2019t neglect your balcony garden, water regularly and even talk to them sometimes if you feel like it. This way by the time summer comes around, you will have a well-developed, grateful green jungle in your apartment. Gardening is cool, start today!

Photo: Flat in City Homeu00a0

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