How to reduce your utility bills – A DIY guide

Mezei Péter
2022 November 15

We have good news. As a Flatco tenant you don’t have to worry too much about the skyrocektingelectricity and gas prices, as our apartments are much more energy-efficientthan most Budapest apartments. If you follow our tips there is a good chanceyour wallet won’t suffer during winter.

Be it from the news broadcasts, on social media or during family dinners, all you hear about these days are the rising utility prices. It is no wonder that you have been browsing „how to save money in the household” and „energy saving in the kitchen” articles for weeks. However, before you start to panic let’s see together how we can help keep the bills under control. Remember Flatco offers far more than apartments with outdated heating systems and high ceilings. Our smart solutions and even the builidings themselves play their part in reducing the costs.

Flatco tenants, you will be happy about this!

If everything is good we will not say anything new with the following, as our property managers already told you these facts when you decided to spend the years ahead of you in an affordable premium rental. Still, we think it is good to recap again how and why Flatco flats are better and more cost efficient:

  1. Newly bult energy saving builidngs.

Modern building-materials, state of the art insulation and excellent windows and doors. These all play an important role in keeping the costs low and thanks to them the heat-loss of your home is minimal

  1. Brand new machinery.

Goodbye thousand-year-old washing machine, goodbye old fridges with the equivalent electricity consumption of a small town. All household appliances in Flatco’s apartments are of the highest quality. The power consumpiton of these equipments are lower than you might think

  1. Smart home systems.

The „electric brain” of the apartment takes care of a lot of things for you. Make use of the daytime, nighttime and absence functions, set the apartment to turn off all the lights after you leave, keep the heat in by programming the blinds – the utilities will already be gentler!

It’s up to you too!

Of course the real utility bill samurais are not satisfied with letting the flat do all the work for them. We show you 5 simple yet great tricks that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine and by the end of the month ypu will have to pay less:

1.Take out the passive consumers

Hidden boosters of the electric bill are the devices left plugged in. Get use to simply unplugging the TV, your charger or laptop when you’re not using them.

2.Washing smartly, environmentally and electricity-consciously.

Since you can safely trust your supermodern washing machine you can skip the 70-80-90degrees programs. The lower temperature also protects the clothes, and beleive us the laundry will be clean even at 30degrees

3 Temperature  settings

It may seem unpleasant at first but we guarantee it won’t hurt: you don’t have to heat the rooms to 24-25 degrees in autumn and winter. If you drop just a few degrees and put on a sweatshirt or a fluffy blanket in the evenings , you won’t get cold but your heating bills can drop by up to 25-30%

4.Smart in the bath

You can save a lot if you shake up the usual bathroom routine. Take a shower instead of a bathtub, don’t leave tha faucet open while brushing your teeth and if the water is dripping anywhere in your flat let us know immediately and our maintenance team will handle it.

5.Romantic „green” terrace

We know and we believe that some light or lantern installed on the balconies makes the early evenings much more cozy and intimate.

But! Here too, be smart: get solar powered lights instead of regular ones or use candles. Make your balcony beautiful without blowing up your utility bills!


As you can see saving energy at home is not that complicated. Rather it is a way of thinking, a way of life that you can easily make your own. Come on, we are rooting for you!


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