Autumn cleaning guide

2020 September 22
No, no, don’t run away, it’s not the time to be playing hide and seek! When summer ends, your apartment will surely need a thorough cleaning. We can u00a0help make this process less painful for you – if you jump in, you may end up enjoying it, and after you’re done you can even invite your mom over for lunch!

One of the benefits of new built apartments – in addition to the high end equipment, modern infrastructure, and spacious living space – is that there is no ancient parquet floors on which the dust accumulates, no small pieces of paint that get chipped off from the freshly painted walls, and you won’t find any surprises forgotten by the previous residents hidden in the corners of the kitchen. Instead, the upholstery is easy to clean, the cleaning cloth simply flies on the minimalist surface of the furniture and the vacuum cleaner fits comfortably under the bed or in the deeper parts of the wardrobe or cupboard.

Believe it or not, this is a win-win situation: you can create military-like order and sparkling cleanliness into your rental apartment in as little as half a day’s work! We have put together a Flatco autumn cleaning guide which will help you to get to work!

B, basics: This operation covers all rooms and all forms of cleaning. That is the living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, dusting, vacuuming, washing up, surface cleaning, tidying up, reorganizing. Good little start, but luckily you donu2019t have to do this every week!

E, equipment: You can save a tone of time and frustration by gathering all the tools and equipment that you need the day before. What you will need: mop bucket, dry and wet wipes, vacuum cleaner, broom and dustpan, a couple of garbage bags, cleaning supplies and rubber gloves. On one hand, when the day of the big clean-up arrives, you donu2019t have to look for the brush, but on the other hand, if you don’t have something at home, you can still get it – or send a note to your Flatcommunity buddies, they’ll be happy to lend you what you need!

B, bath: The good news is that there is hardly any dust to be removed here (worst case at the top of the cabinet), but in return, you have to scrub quite a few tiles clean and remove the limescale. Itu2019s going to be a tough ride, but take it as your workout, or gym activity. Do not miss the sanitary cabinet, shower cabin or the bathtub, the sink, or the toilet.

K, kitchen: Whether you have a separate room or an American kitchen in your home, you should expect a difficult task here! Take out all the canned and packaged foods, sort through them, and get rid of anything that has expired. Spray disinfectant on the shelves, on the outside, and inside of the doors, tidy up the cleaned shelves. Plastic cutlery that comes with food orders but has never been used can go to recycling – and they can be accompanied by the beer bottles as well. Attention: the pizza box, even if it is paper, goes into the municipal rubbish bin!

L, living room: Surprisingly, tidying up and reorganizing here will probably take the most time. Donu2019t discount anything you havenu2019t touched since the beginning of summer! Donate the clothes you no longer wear and the books at the nearest charity shop, throw out small stuff that just takes up space. Afterwards, the next program is window cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. When youu2019re done, sit down, take a 10-minute break, and eat one of your favorite chocolates!

O, order: The golden rule is simple – from top to bottom, from inside out. If you want to clean up quickly and efficiently, always start dusting from the top shelves and cleaning from the top tile. When washing up always start from the farthest corner towards the door, go around the apartment, and focus on only one room at a time. Take the trash down at the very end so you donu2019t have to go and come several times.

C, cleaning products: Do you prefer natural solutions? Is sustainability important to you too? Great! Leave the environmentally damaging chlorine and similar products, and choose biodegradable products instead. There is a huge choice, and there is a good chance that you will find what you need even if you just run down to the corner shop. And if you want to take this even further, you can use kitchen salt instead of abrasive products, linseed oil for furniture care, vinegar for limescale remover!

M, music: Of course, no one is forcing you to work in silence! Move the speakers to the center of the apartment and start your favorite training, running, or partying playlist! The windows should not shake from the volume power, but you can gently turn it up a bit, it feels good! In fact, if you feel the rhythm, you can even sing, dance, or bounce while cleaning u2013 it is your apartment so make yourself at home!

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