Flatco’s special recipes for quarantine time

Tóth Zoltán
2020 March 19

Are you bored of food delivery, of all the repetitive burgers and salads Budapest has to offer? We share with you some of our staff’s favorite recipes, which are healthy and easy to prepare for this time of #staying-at-home!

Don’t worry, we arenu2019t chefs either. Actually, we believe a good recipe is one that doesnu2019t force you to travel half the world to get the ingredients, can be done under 30 minutes and of course, tastes amazing as well! And since the Flatcommunity u2013 the tenants and our team behind the screen u2013 is a real family, we will throw all our best ideas into the group without batting an eye!

Katiu2019s favorite breakfast: bodybuilderu2019s turbo u2013 not only for bodybuilders!

  • Ingredients: 125g cottage cheese (half of the block cottage cheese), 1 apple, 1 handful of blueberries, 1 kiwi, honey.
  • Preparation: pour the cottage cheese into a bowl and throw onto it sliced cubes of apple, kiwi and the blueberries. Drizzle some honey all over the fruits and voila! You are done.
  • Why is it good? Letu2019s see: it is full of vitamins and protein, it’s not too heavy but it does give you a nutrient boost, and of course it’s also very tasty! Since you wonu2019t need any special equipment for it, you can quickly prepare this in the kitchen of the smallest apartment.

Zsoltu2019s safety brunch: energy bar with a twist

  • Ingredients: your favorite energy bar (you stocked up anyways, you can sacrifice one for the experiment), 1 cup of yoghurt of choice (or the one at the bottom of your fridge), cinnamon. (Does even one apartment exist in this world without cinnamon? We are quite certain there is no.)
  • Preparation: cut up the energy bars, pour the yoghurt onto it and then with all the finesse of a gastro-geek, sprinkle it with cinnamon. Voila!
  • Why is it good? Virtually every kitchen is enough to make this, it will give you a boost at least until lunch, it is tasty and there is almost nothing left after that needs washing up. Did we convince you?
  • u00a0

Attilau2019s pickup special for dinner u2013  leek-cream spaghetti with chicken

  • Ingredients: one package of spaghetti pasta, half a kilogram of washed chicken breast, cut to strips, 1 onion diced, 500ml of cooking cream, a couple of sliced up leeks (if you donu2019t have this at home, you can leave it out, we wonu2019t tell anyone), salt, pepper, curry, vegetable oil.
  • Preparation: cook the pasta according to its packaging. Sautu00e9 the onions in some oil, throw the chicken in the pan and shallow fry it (it is good if every piece is white). Now come the spices u2013 donu2019t be cheap with them u2013 then the leek and the cream. Cook it all together, let the chicken cook a bit more in the white sauce. If everything is ready, mix the mixture together with the pasta and serve.
  • Why is it good? Meat, cream, spaghetti u2013 how could it not be good? It is something amazing, try it and you will agree!

Zoliu2019s honest snack u2013 honestly I cannot do much but agree with it

Actually, this wonu2019t be a recipe. We thought a lot about whether it can fit this selection, but then we realized: you have probably purchased stuff for multiple days, so we’re guessing there is no shortage of chocolate, chips and other snacks. Choose your favorite one and eat it all, without feeling even a little self-conscious after the fact. You are working anyways and sitting in front of the computer all day, you deserve this much laziness and comfort.

Zsu00f3fiu2019s banana pancakes for dinner u2013 we know you would love a dessert!

  • Ingredients: 3 eggs, 2 ripe bananas, 2 flat tablespoons of any type of flour and remaining Nutella.
  • Preparation: Mix the mashed and broken up bananas with the eggs, and then slowly add the flour, stirring the mixture. If there are no lumps anywhere in the mixture, it can go straight into the hot pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side and when it reaches a golden-yellow color (if it is black, you are late), throw it on a plate, spread on the Nutella from the bottom of the jar and serve while warm.
  • Why is it good? Because it is divine! Nutella isnu2019t the most dietetic choice of course, but after a day of hard home office working, it is a well-deserved treat. If you do want to watch out for your curves though, eat with sugar-free cacao powder or diet jam.

See? Dealing with food isnu2019t that hard after all. Coronavirus or not, you are the one shining!

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