Lease contract = Superpower!

Tóth Zoltán
2020 March 10
Ok, so you might not be able to fly, but you’re not going to be kicked out either – and that’s a huge difference! A valid contract protects you, so you never have to leave your apartment overnight. But this signed document is not only good for preventing an eviction. Let’s take a look at the additional benefits!

You must have heard horror stories of grumpy landlords, suspicious excuses about relatives deciding to move to your home, terrible circumstances and stolen deposits. Unfortunately, we can’t say that these are all myths – you have to be careful when it comes to renting an apartment! Fortunately, there is a great way to minimize the risks. The purpose of the lease contract is to clarify the rights and obligations of the lessee and the lessor, and to lay down the conditions for a possible contract termination. It covers casualties, service charges, utilities, even hospitality and keeping a pet – every issue that may arise between you and your landlord.

Be careful before signing

Just as there is a wide range of properties for lease, each one unlike the other, there are also huge differences between different lease contracts. You may be presented with a document that in the eyes of the law is not correct because the owner wanted to “save on attorney fees” – or you may very well find bizarre conditions hidden in the fine print. Therefore, it is vital to read carefully before signing, and if anything is unclear, ask! Be sure to pay attention to the following:

  • Does the contract include the exact address, the topographical number of the apartment and the exact duration of the lease? If not, make them put these in! Whether you sign for a definite or indefinite period, this information is going to be important when the lease ends or in case of a termination!
  • Do you see your costs itemized (rent, common costs, utilities)? Is it clear to you when you need to pay, what you pay for and how you get information about your water, gas, and electricity consumption? It should all be written down!
  • If you are paying with cash, make sure you get an acknowledgement receipt each time.
  • What about the deposit and its repayment? Must be written down!
  • In case of an accident or required maintenance jobs, make sure its crystal clear who pays for it and when, and what are your obligations as the lessee in this case. Watch out for clauses that say something like “it will be settled by mutual agreement”, it may not end up being in your favour!
  • Check if there are any restrictions on guests, pets or smoking.
  • Make sure that it is described when and if the landlord may enter the apartment in your absence.
  • Leasing the apartment is the responsibility of the landlord – as are the costs. If the owner doesn’t want to contract or would charge you for the contract, leave!
  • Read the fine print twice so that you do not sign something that later may come back to bite you!
If you don’t want to worry about it

Did the list above give you a little headache? Are you not a lawyer and / or do don’t have time to thoroughly study current housing laws in force? That’s perfectly understandable. Our tip to you in this case would be to at least make sure you rent an apartment from someone you can absolutely trust! While there may be loopholes in contracts written by private individuals, at Flatco, all of our properties are issued under a legally sound, uniform contract with clear terms, so you have nothing to worry about. Shall we go through the essentials?

  • You have a fixed term contract with us, in addition to the rent you have to pay the common costs and the utilities. For the latter, you can easily read the meters on the last day of each month, send them in a short email and we will send you the bill. You transfer the money, and we’re done. It’s that simple!
  • At Flatco, we need a two-month deposit, of which we will of course send you an acknowledgement receipt.
  • We describe exactly what rights and obligations we and you have in case of any damage or debt, so no one will be surprised.
  • When you take over the property, we write a report together about the condition of the property which states the meters, the furniture and the equipment in it, so we have everything already mapped out in case of moving out, ensuring a quick easy transition.

As you can see, our contract contains all the important details, and guaranteed to be free of any obligation hidden in small letters. In our office we can go over it together and give you a detailed answer to all your questions. We also believe that a good contract is the basis of a good lessee-lessor relationship, so we do our best so that we, and you, remain safe.

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